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How to Manage and Use Folders

Unlock the power of collaborative project management in Vev by understanding and using folders efficiently.

Diego Muralles avatar
Written by Diego Muralles
Updated over 4 months ago

If you're looking to facilitate project sharing and collaboration, as well as organizing your projects, folders are the key. Folderes are associated with teams, ensuring that all team members granted access to the team also gain access to the folders and projects contained within them.

Creating a New Folder

  1. To create a new folder, start by ensuring that you're in the correct team.

  2. From the Team dashboard select click New folder, or from the bottom of left side panel click "New folder".

  3. Provide a meaningful name for the folder, such as your client's name or the project name.

  4. Confirm to create the folder.

Your newly created folder will now be visible in your team's folder list in the sidebar on the left as well as on the team dashboard.

Nesting Folders

Nesting folder or subfolders are folders within folders. They can be useful for further organizing your project and creating a hierarchical structure. This feature allows one level of nested folders.

Nesting folders are exclusively available to users on the Organization plan. Interested in the feature? Talk to sales.

How to Create Nested Folders

Direct Creation

  1. Navigate to the folder where you wish to add a nested folder.

  2. Select Create New > Folder.

  3. Provide a meaningful name for the nested folder.

  4. Click confirm to finalize the creation.


  • You can also organize folders by dragging and placing them into other folders from the left sidebar.

Nested folders will be indented under their parent folder and marked with breadcrumbs on the dashboard for clear visualization of their hierarchy.

Smart Tips for Organizing Projects and Folders

  • Toggle Visibility: Use the toggles in the left sidebar to expand or collapse folders, helping you navigate complex structures more easily.

  • Simplify Navigation: Keep your workspace tidy by collapsing folders not in use, which helps in maintaining a streamlined view.

  • Rearrange Flexibly: Utilize the drag-and-drop feature to reorder projects and folders according to your team’s workflow preferences.

Editing Folder Settings

You can easily adjust the settings of your folder:

  • From the Dashboard: Click on the "Settings" button on the folder dashboard.


  • From hovering the Folder: Alternatively, hover over the folder, and three vertical dots will appear. Click on it to open the folder settings.

Within the folder settings, you have the following settings options:


  • Change the folder name and icon.

  • Folder palette: Manage and customize the color palette to be inherited for all projects within this folder.

  • Fonts: Define default fonts to be used across all projects within the folder.

  • Hosting overrides: Override global hosting settings for precise control over all projects within the folder.

  • Delete folder: Delete the folder when it's no longer needed.


For Professional and Organization accounts only

Invite internal and external collaborators (guests) into the folder, giving them access to all the projects within.

  • Internal: For our Organization clients with access control on different teams, you can invite selected members into this folder without granting them access to the entire team.

  • External: Invite guests from other accounts to collaborate across accounts.

To invite members:

  1. From the folder settings, locate the In the "Members" tab at the top.

  2. Enter the email address of the one you want to invite.

  3. Click Invite.

  4. The invited member will get an email and an in-app notification that they have access to the folder. This folder will now be listed under "Shared with be" on the left sidebar on the dashboard.


Manage integrations at the folder level, to add them as default for all projects:

  1. From the folder settings, locate the In the "Integration" tab at the top

  2. Locate the integration you want to manage. If it's already added at the hosting level, you can override the settings at the folder level. Alternatively, click "Install to folder" if it hasn't been added at the hosting level. Then, configure the settings and save.

Folders serve as the cornerstone for efficient project organization and collaboration within your team, providing granular control over settings and integration management.

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