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Understanding Pages

Understanding page structure within Vev projects

Diego Muralles avatar
Written by Diego Muralles
Updated over 3 months ago

In Vev, you can structure your project to fit your specific needs:

Wherever you host or embed your Vev content, your sub-pages will be accessible through their own sub-paths. You can manage your pages through the panel on the left in both the Design Editor and Content Editor.

Creating a New Page

To create a new page:

  1. Click on the + (plus) icon in the top-right corner.

By default, Vev generates a placeholder name for your new page. To rename it:

  • Double-click on the page name and enter your desired name.

Note: The first page of a project is always the Homepage or index page, indicated by the house icon next to the page name. You can change the homepage from the Project Settings. Other pages are considered subpages and will have their own sub-path in the URL.

Editing Page Settings

Click anywhere outside of the canvas to open the page settings in the right sidebar. In the page settings, you can add and edit the following:

  • Cover photo: This image will be featured when sharing on social media. You can preview the social share by clicking the eye-icon above the cover photo.

  • Title and Description: Important for SEO purposes.

  • Language: Declare the language of the content of the page.

  • Page status: Set the status to Ready 🟢, In Progress 🟡, Needs Review 🔴, or On Hold ⚪️. Only pages marked as Ready will be published; others will remain private.

  • Path: Also known as the slug of the page. It is auto-generated but can be customized.

  • Page HTML variables: Define custom variables for use in integrations and scripts.

Copying and Pasting a Page

To copy and paste a page within or across projects:

  1. Navigate to the Page overview panel, and click on the three dots () next to the page you want to copy.

  2. Select Duplicate page. The page will be added with the same page name, with a (copy) behind.

Tip: For copying pages across projects, it's recommended to have two tabs open—one for each project.

Deleting a Page

To delete a page:

  1. In the editor, click the Cogwheel icon next to the Publishing button.

  2. Select Pages from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click the three dots () next to the page you want to delete.

  4. Select Delete.

The page will no longer appear in the pages panel.

Integrations: Page Variables

Access page information using page variables in Integrations. This allows you to include unique IDs, descriptions, or cover photo URLs in meta tags, custom HTML, or scripts bundled with your published project.

Default page variables

Property Name





Unique page ID (e.g., p4AIhEUm7I_)



URL of the cover photo set in the page settings



Unix timestamp when the page was created



Unix timestamp when the page was last updated



Page status: Done = 0, In Progress = 1, On Hold = 2, Review = 3



Page description



Page's path or slug



Project ID



Indicates if a template was applied



Title of the page



Custom page variables (e.g., {[customVariable]: string})

Example usage

The Open Graph Metas integration uses default page variables to supply search engines with the cover photo of your project.

Note: The default page variable cover is used in Open Graph meta tags to provide social media platforms with the cover photo.

Custom Page Variables

To add or remove custom page variables:

Adding Variables

  1. Navigate to the Page settings in the right sidebar.

  2. Scroll down to Page HTML variables, and click it.

  3. Enter a variable name (e.g., "author").

  4. Click Add item.

  5. Assign a value to the new variable for each page as needed.

To use the new author variable:

  • Go to your Integration Settings.

  • Access it using

  • For example, in the Meta Tags integration:

    • Set name="author".

    • Set value="".

Note: If you're using the Webhook to publish your content, you can toggle on Also send package data to receive the values of your Integration Settings as JSON in the publish payload.

Removing Variables

  1. In the Page Variables section, hover over the variable you wish to delete.

  2. Click the Trashcan icon.

  3. Confirm the deletion.

Caution: Removing a variable will result in a blank string wherever the variable was previously used in your project.

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