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How to edit project settings

This is where you find the non-design related settings to your projects, such as integrations, export, meta data etc.

Diego Muralles avatar
Written by Diego Muralles
Updated over a week ago

Project settings are settings that you can adjust for your whole project. These settings are project styles, guides, breakpoints, tags, and the option to import a page from Figma.

Project styles

Color palette

In the color palette, you can set your colors for the primary, accent, and background palette. If you are using colors on the canvas from the color palette, any updates from here will update everywhere it is being used in your project.

Default font

If you need to set a font that should be by default applied, you can set it from the project settings. Every time you add text to your project, the default font will be used, and you can easily swap it into a different one at any point. You are always free to override the default font as you would set a font normally from the style panel.


If you toggle on the right-to-left setting, all text in the project will be on the right and continue to the left.




Main breakpoint


Project tags

Figma import

You can find the Project Settings inside the design editor. Click our beloved Vev icon located in the upper-left corner, and select "Settings" and "General".

Project Settings

  • Project plan: Here you'll be able to check whether your project has a project plan. Click on Purchase a project plan if it doesn't. Read more about project plans here

  • Project title: Change the title of your project

  • Tags: Add tags to your project to easily find it when searching from the dashboard

  • Home page/landing page: Choose the home page of your project

  • Not found page: Choose the page that will be displayed if your visitors come to a page that doesn't exist

  • Color palette: Set the color palette of your project

Page settings

To access Page settings, click our beloved Vev icon located in the upper-left corner, and select "Settings" and "Pages". Alternatively, you can access Page settings by unselect the canvas, or press "ESC".

Page setting options

  • Cover photo, this will be the image featured when sharing on social. You can see the social share preview in the tile listed on the right.

  • Title and Description, which is important for your SEO and page sharing.

  • Page Status, either

    • Ready

    • In progress

    • Needs review

    • On hold

  • Path aka slug to the page. This will be auto-generated but you can always customize it.

  • Custom page variables

Note: For more information, visit the Page's article.

Publish destinations

You can manage all of your publish endpoints and integrations at the project level from here, which means that any settings you add or alter will only affect the publish destinations in the current project.

Add a publish destination

It's important to note that the publish endpoint must have been previously added and connected to your account in order to appear listed when adding it to a project. Read this article, choose the type of hosting you want to add, and learn how to properly connect it.

To add a publish destination:

  1. Click the beloved Vev icon in the top-left corner

  2. Select Publish and Destinations

  3. Click on Add publish destination at the top

  4. Choose your publish endpoint from the dropdown menu

  5. Add a path to the root domain (optional)

  6. Click on Add publish destination

The publish endpoint will now appear listed in the Publish dialog and you'll be able to publish your project against it.

Add an Integration to your Publish destination

As mentioned above, any integration that you add to a publish destination on the project level will only affect the current project.

To add an integration:

  1. Click the Vev icon in the top-left corner

  2. Select Publish and Destinations

  3. Click Show integrations next to your publish destination

  4. Select Add integration

  5. Browse the integration you need (you can filter them by category at the top)

  6. Select it

  7. Set it up accordingly

  8. Click on Add integration

Note: Read this article to learn more about managing integrations from a Publish destination.

Publish History

An overview of all the published versions of the project. Here, you have an option to roll back to a previously published version.

To roll back to a previous version:

  1. Click the Vev icon in the top-left corner

  2. Select Publish and Histoy

  3. Find the version you want rollback to

  4. Click the three dots on the right side

  5. Click on Rollback to this version

The project will remain unchanged in the editor, only the published URL will be rolled back. You do not need to republish the project manually since it will be done automatically.

Note: You need to at least be in the professional plan to enable this feature.



You can easily insert the individual pages of a project using Embed from the Export menu.

  1. Click the Vev icon in the top-left corner

  2. Select File and Embed

  3. Under Embed, find the page you want to export from the drop-down menu.

  4. Copy/paste the generated embed script from that project.

  5. Paste the embed script into your preferred CMS or platform.

  6. Re-publish the project to the staging domain to make your changes available.


You can download the project as a ZIP, either choose;

  1. Download all (download the project including assets and libraries)

  2. Download without (to improve download time, and to avoid hosting your own assets/libraries

Note: You need to upgrade to the Professional plan to enable this feature.

Figma Import

Import your Figma project into Vev, read this article to learn how to do it.

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