Publishing a Project
Tiril Uggerud avatar
Written by Tiril Uggerud
Updated over a week ago

Congratulations on successfully connecting and setting up your hosting! Now that you have your hosting ready, you'll need to add it to your project in order to publish your project.

If you haven't created a hosting yet, make sure to check out our hosting options to set up the one that suits your needs before proceeding.

Follow these steps to publish to your hosting:

  1. Open the project you want to publish.

  2. Click the Publish button in the top-right corner.

  3. Select Add publish destination from the publish menu.

  4. Choose your hosting from the dropdown list.

  5. Add a path to your domain or leave it blank if you want to publish to its root (the path will only be added at a project level).

  6. Hit Add publish destination.

  7. Open the publish menu.

  8. Make sure the hosting is selected in the checkbox next to it, then hit Publish project.

Looking to publish to your staging domain? Click here.

Note: Setting up and publishing to a Standard Hosting is free, however publishing without the Vev watermark requires a Project Plan.

Unpublishing a project

To unpublish your project from a domain:

  1. In the dashboard, click your User in the bottom-left corner.

  2. Click "Hosting".

  3. Select your domain.

  4. Click the "Projects" tab on the left panel.

  5. Click the three dots next to the project you want to unpublish and click "Unpublish".

The project will no longer appear on the list.

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