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Understanding Teams
Diego Muralles avatar
Written by Diego Muralles
Updated over 9 months ago

A teams is a dedicated environment where you collaborate with others, and to structure and organize your work into folders. You can create or be invited into multiple teams from a single Vev account.

By default, your first team is created for you as soon as you sign up to the platform. We will pull the name that you gave your account during the onboarding steps. Regardless, you can manage your team by changing its name, icon, members etc.

Creating a New Team

Creating more than one team is an Organization feature. Talk to sales 😊

  1. Click your existing team in the sidebar to open the team menu.

  2. Click "Create new team."

  3. Provide a meaningful name for the new team (e.g., your department or project name).

  4. Toggle the team ON if you want all users on your account to have automatic access.

  5. Confirm by clicking "Create team."

Your newly created team will now be accessible via the sidebar's dropdown menu and in the search menu when you filter on "Teams."

Changing Your Team

From the Dashboard:

  1. Click your existing team in the sidebar to open the team menu.

  2. If you have more than one team, the most recently visited team will be listed first.

  3. Click the team you want to enter.

From the Search Menu:

  1. Open the Search Menu by pressing CMD/CTRL-K.

  2. Click the "Teams" filter without typing anything.

  3. Choose the team you want to enter.

Starring Your Team ⭐️

Starring teams is an Organization feature. Talk to sales 😊

Want a quick-access shortcut? You can "Star" ⭐️ preferred teams, ensuring they're always listed at the top of your teams menu for quick access.

Add a Star:

  1. Click your existing team in the sidebar to open the team menu.

  2. Hover over the team you want to star.

  3. On the right side of the team name, a star shadow will appear. Click the star shadow to pin the team to the top of the list.

Remove a Star:

  1. Click your existing team in the sidebar to open the team menu.

  2. Click the star icon next to the team's name to unpin it.

Editing Team Settings

  1. From the sidebar, click the team to open the team menu.

  2. Select "Team settings." From there, you can manage:

    • Team name and icon

    • Hosting settings to override global hosting settings

    • Delete the team when it's no longer needed

    • Members (only available for Organization accounts)

      • Internal collaborators (users on your account)

      • External collaborators (stakeholders, freelancers, or agency personnel)

Managing Team Users

To manage team users, you must be a team owner, account admin/owner on the Organization plan. Talk to sales 😊

Here's how to do it:

  1. If you want all users on the account to have access, ensure the toggle is ON under "Team settings." When toggled OFF, you can manually select who has access under the "Members" tab.

Inviting Members to Your Team

  1. Open the team settings.

  2. Select the "Members" tab.

  3. Enter the user's email and click "Invite."

  4. Invited users will gain access to the team from the team menu on the left sidebar.

You can invite both users from your account and external collaborators. If an invited user doesn't receive an email, advise them to check their spam or promotion folder.

Removing Members from Your Team

  1. Open the team settings.

  2. Select the "Members" tab.

  3. Find the member you want to remove and click the trash icon next to their name.

  4. Confirm the removal.

The user will no longer have access to the team and its content.

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