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Local Embed

Local embed works independently without relying on the Vev platform and can be self-hosted.

Halit Kendigül avatar
Written by Halit Kendigül
Updated over a year ago

We provide our users with the option to use local embedding as an alternative hosting solution. You can create a fully standalone embed that doesn't rely on the Vev platform in production and can be entirely self-hosted.

ℹ️ This feature is for users with Organizational plans only!

Finding the local embed code

Once you’ve finished creating your content in Vev, you can download your Vev project as ZIP. Please publish first to your Vev staging domain. You can find your ZIP download from the following place:

  1. In your Vev project, hover over the Vev icon and click the burger menu on the top-left corner

  2. Go to File > Export to ZIP

  3. Scroll down to Export to ZIP section

  4. Select "Include all assets and libraries in download"

  5. Click first the “Create ZIP” button

  6. Once the ZIP is created, you can download your ZIP by clicking “Download ZIP”

Inside the ZIP file, you will find the ./embed.js file that can be used as follows:

<script src="[path-to-your-files]/embed.js"></script>

You can also embed a sub-page:

<script src="[path-to-your-files]/[sub-page]/embed.js"></script>

All of the same options you would have for the regular Embed Anywhere feature are available:

  • data-target: ID of target or CSS query of HTML DOM element where the embed should be placed.

  • data-fill-width: This will force the Vev project to always fill the width, even if the parent container is not full width.

  • data-disable-shadow-dom : Render Vev without shadow DOM this can cause style collisions.


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