The Content Editor provides you with the flexibility to add, resize, and remove sections, giving you greater control over your project's layout.
Adding a Section
If your project is template-based, follow these steps to add a section:
Move your cursor to the intersection between two sections on the Canvas.
Click "Add section".
Choose a section from the Template:
A panel on the right will display available section types from the template.
Click through the sections to see how they will look on the Canvas.
Click "Insert" to add the chosen section.
Rename a Section
Double-click the section in the layers panel on the left
Enter the new name for the section.
Hit enter or click outside to save.
Organizing sections
In the layers panel on the left, click on the section and hold
Drag it to place in the order you prefer in the layer section.
Resize a section
Hover over the edge of the section until you see a thicker blue see-through line.
Click and hold, and move the cursor up or down to resize it
Note: You won't be able to scale the section down if it has a min-height set in the design editor.
Delete a section
Hover over the section
Click on the trash icon