Card sliders take the information into neat, bite-sized cards that users can easily browse through, making it perfect for presenting content in a compact and organized manner, especially when space is limited. With the ability to include images, titles, subtitles, and call-to-action buttons, card sliders add visual appeal to your webpage, making it more enticing for users to explore. You can creatively showcase services, product categories, or recipes, as demonstrated in the preview below... Delicious.
Note: If you feel that the card slider doesn't offer enough customization options, we recommend using the Slider component instead. It will enable you to unleash your creativity and tailor it to your specific needs.
Uploading an Image
Double-click the Card slider on your canvas
In the Icon field, click the pen
Upload your image or choose an image from one of our free stock image libraries
Add New and Navigate Cards
Double-click the Card slider
Click the + button at the bottom of the pop-up
Navigate through the cards to customize the text and images
Styling a Card Slider
IM: Change the image banner background
TE: Change the text container background
Link: Change the link background
Title: Style the title
Subtitle: Style the subtitle
Body: Style the body text
Link: Style the bottom link
BO: Style the bottom link on hover
Navigation Arrows: Change the arrow's color (if enabled)
Transform: Change the image banner height
Configuration options
Once you've added the Card slider to your canvas, there are a variety of configuration options, including titles, sub-titles, and CTA actions.
To start, double-click the Card slider to open the configuration options.
Parameter | Description |
Image | Image for the card item |
Custom image size | Sets the height of the image to a custom value. Width is automatically scaled to maintain the image aspect ratio. |
Title | The top-most text in the text group. |
Sub-title | The second line of text in the text group. |
Body | The third text element in the text group. |
Link label | The UI text for the link button. |
Link | The destination where the user will be directed upon clicking the link. |
Horizontal image alignment | The left-to-right alignment of the image. |
Hide arrows | Show or hide the left/right arrows which can be used for navigating through the card slider. |