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Image Compare

Reveal images with an image comparison slider in Vev

Diego Muralles avatar
Written by Diego Muralles
Updated over 8 months ago

Want to tell a visual story with 'before' and 'after' images? The Image Compare component provides a sleek and engaging way to showcase the transformation, adding a fun and interactive element to your page.

Configuration options

Double-clicking on the image compare element on your canvas opens the configuration options. From here, you can hide the handles, and animate the split line.



Hide handles

Remove the icon/shapes indicating handles.

Animate split line

Animate the comparison line in horizontal directions, and set an animation duration.

This number represents the seconds it takes for one cycle to complete.

Animation duration

Set the length of time it takes for the split line between the two images to animate from one side to the other. This duration, measured in seconds, allows you to control the speed of the comparison animation, ensuring a smooth and engaging transition for your viewers.


Can I add more than one image on each side?
This is not yet possible. Feel free to add or upvote this feature request in our Vev community.

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