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Multiple Choice

A series of multiple-choice questions that provides immediate feedback on the user's answer

Diego Muralles avatar
Written by Diego Muralles
Updated over a week ago

Create a multiple-choice question and send quiz takers to a customized results screen.

Multiple Choice element in Vev

Adding a multiple-choice element

  • From the top menu bar, click on the Add Menu (Shortcut: M)

  • Search for and select Multiple Choice

  • Click and drag the element onto your canvas

Setting up a multiple-choice element

Adding a Question with Options

  • Double-click the Multiple Choice element

  • Click on Add Item

  • Write your question in the Question field

  • Click on Add Item in the Options section

  • Add and write as many options as needed

  • Toggle the correct option

You can add more than one question, users will be able to click on a Next button to go to the next question.

Changing the result screen image

  • Double-click the Multiple Choice element

  • Within the Result screen section, click the Pen icon over the image

  • Select Add Image or choose an image from one of our free stock images libraries

Changing the result message

  • Double-click the Multiple Choice element

  • Write your message in the Result message field at the bottom

Styling a multiple-choice element

  • Background:

    • Container: Change the element's container background color

    • Progress Bar: Change the Progress bar's color

    • Question: Change the question's section background color

    • Success Option: Change the background color for the correct options/answers

    • Fall Option: Change the background color for the incorrect options/answers

  • Text:

    • Question: Style the questions' text

    • Option: Style the answers' text

    • Success Option: Change the correct answer's text color

    • Fall Option: Change the incorrect answer's text color

    • Done Score: Style the Result message text

  • Padding: Add padding to the options/answers' text

  • Border: Set a border color, opacity, and line weight for the element's container and the options/answers

  • Border Radius: Curve the radius of the border of the element's container and the options/answers

  • Icons:

    • Set custom shape: Replace the default icons with a shape or a custom SVG

    • Set custom image: Replace the default icons with an image

Configuration Options

Double-clicking on the Multiple Choice element on your canvas opens the configuration options.




Enter text for your quiz question.


Add answer options and set the correct response.

Result screen

Enter the image you want users to see when the quiz is completed.

Result message

Enter the text you want users to see when the quiz is completed.

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