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Alternate through a list of custom phrases in a mock-typewriter fashion.

Diego Muralles avatar
Written by Diego Muralles
Updated over a week ago

Looking for a gorgeous micro-animation to hold your readers' attention? Bring a bit of print world charm to your digital design with Vev's Typewriter component.

Adding a typewriter element in Vev

Add a typewriter component

  • From the left panel, click Add Menu (Shortcut: M)

  • Search for and select Typewriter

  • Click and drag the component onto your canvas

Configuration options

Double-clicking the typewriter component on your canvas opens the configuration options. From here, you can animate the text, set the number of loops, set the update time, and more:



Static before/after text

Display text that is not animated.

Animated text item

Enter the text items that should be animated. Add item to add more text items to the animated sequence.

Update time

Set animation speed. A lower number produces a faster animation.

Number of loops

Set the number of times the animation should repeat. Enter 0 to loop forever.

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